NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant ANSWERS
NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant ANSWERS. Visit; CPCSTestAnswers.com Here is a list of the contents listing the Policies/Units covered and their Titles (Some courses code their Units differently) :- SCHOOL POLICIES : Part of Unit 302 Additional Needs/Special Needs Behaviour & Bullying Confidentiality Equal Opportunities Health & safety, Hygiene and Welfare Missing Children Home School Agreement Internet E Safety Recording and Assessment policy Safeguarding/Child Protection Staff Disciplinary & Grievance Whistle blowing Summary of Acts and Legislation : The Children Act 2004, The Disability Discrimination Act 2005, The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2001, Single Equality Act 2010, The Freedom of Information Act 2000, The Data Protection Act 1998 & Confidentiality, The Human Rights Act 1998, UN Convention of the rights of the Child 1989 . THE 11 MANDATORY UNITS: Unit 301 Communication and professional relationships with chil...